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For the attention of entrants!

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Registration for specialties requiring special abilities will be carried on the E-government portal (

Unlike previous years, in 2016/2017 academic year, qualifying rounds for admission to institutions of higher and secondary educational institutions on specialties requiring special abilities will not be held. Instead of this, online registration of applicants for specialties requiring special abilities will be carried out.

Applicants must fill in an electronic application according  to the standard procedure in accordance with specialty groups,  and after confirming it  they  should register on the E-government portal  ( through  the service “Online  submission of applications by candidates (applicants, bachelors, candidates (applying for residency))”.

Note that registration is carried out through the subsection “Online registration of applicants for specialties requiring special abilities at higher and secondary specialized educational institutions”.

Dates of online registration are as follows:

- For “architecture” specialty in the 1st group of university specialties - 15-30 April;

- For the 5th group of university specialties - 6-19 May;

- For complete (11-year) secondary education at secondary specialized educational institutions on specialties requiring special abilities - 4-18 May;

- For secondary (9-year) education at secondary specialized educational institutions on specialties requiring special abilities - 20 May - 2 June;



  • 359

    Number of available services on the portal