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Most frequently used e-services in May made public

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According to statistical information, the number of citizens using e-services through  E-government ( portal in our country continues to grow. The dynamic growth in the number of visits to the services provided through the portal is a clear evidence to this.According to need, the statistics of the visited services are updated every month.

Thus, statistical indicators of the most frequently used services through E-government portal during May are as follows:

State Student Admission Commission - 691,299

Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population -607,587

Ministry of Communications and High Technologies -461,296

State Customs Committee - 48,821

Reference Documents  - 14,167   

The State Student Admission Commission takes the lead in the number of e-services visited most frequently by citizens during the entrance exams. Thus, only in May the service  “Online submission of applications by candidates (applicants, bachelors, candidates (applying for residency))” of the State Student Admission Commission was used 337,405 times.

The services provided by the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population  were visited most  by citizens as they are social-oriented services. Thus, during May  the  service “Apply for targeted social assistance” of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population was used 220,665 times.

The service “Provision of information on numbers moved to another network through Mobile Number Portability (MNP)” of the Ministry of Communications and High Technologies was used 231,576 times during the stated period.   Through this service, a citizen who is going to call, can obtain information on the numbers, whether it is moved to another mobile operator’s network.

The service “Acceptance of electronic customs declaration for customs clearance of goods and vehicles” of the State Customs Committee was used 36,824 times in May.    

It is over 2 years now references documents offered via the portal allows the user to formalize and print information on himself online and send it to appropriate body. It should be noted that the service reference documents  provided through  E-government  portal was used 14,167 times during the stated period.   

  • 359

    Number of available services on the portal