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Azerbaijan moves up 12 positions in UN E-Government Development Index

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Azerbaijan has improved its position in the UN E-Government Survey, which is published by the United Nations every two years. Thus, according to the UN E-Government Survey 2016, our country has moved up from 68th to 56th position.

Note that the survey includes ratings of 193 UN member states on the E-Government Development Index  and E-Participation Index.

All the countries in the survey were divided into 4 groups (very high, high, middle and low) depending on the number of points they gained in the E-Government Development Index.

This year, like in 2014, Azerbaijan has entered the “high group” of  E-Government Development Index (EGDI). 

• According to the survey, the United Kingdom holds the leading position among the “high group” EGDI countries.  Note that the Republic of Korea, which was leader in the previous rating, has now settled in the third position. The second place was taken by Australia.
• Azerbaijan has also improved its position among the CIS countries. Thus, our country has moved up from the 7th to 4th position in the CIS region.

• CIS countries on EGDI index:

Note that the following three basic components are taken into account in calculating the E-Government Development Index:

Online Service Index
Telecommunications Infrastructure Index
 Human Capital Index

• Azerbaijan has improved its position in the E-Participation Index by 30 points. Thus, our country has moved up from the 77th   to 47th   place. 

• Azerbaijan took the second place among the CIS countries in the E-Participation Index.

• According to the survey, Azerbaijan is among  top 50 countries in the E-Participation Index based on the calculation of the following sub-indices: e-information, e-consultation, e-decision making.

• Azerbaijan's position on the sub-indices of “E-Participation Index” is as follows.

Note that the United Kingdom is the leader worldwide in the E-Participation Index.   Japan and Australia share the second place. Korea, which held the leading position in the previous rating, took the 4th place in the E-Participation Index.    

For more information on the report, click here.

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