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Electronic signature is now even easier to use

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Data Processing Centre of the Ministry of Communications and High Technologies (MCHT) has today held an event to introduce a new type of Electronic signature certificate carriers - USB tokens to the general public.

Visually demonstrating  the use of  USB tokens and providing  detailed information  to journalists  about  their benefits, head of  the National Certification Services Center Arif Mayilov  said  new carriers will  allow users to save their budgets, at the same time they are easy to use  and carry. In addition, USB tokens provide secure protection of electronic signature keys.

The tokens with a validity period of up to 3 years are designed for information security and user convenience and will also enable users to use e-services easily.

Using their mobile device or computer, customers, as well as entrepreneurs can very easily carry out operation with a USB token for any banking services or when filling in customs and tax declarations.

USB tokens can be considered a unique carrier of authentication and electronic signature cards data of citizens, employees of government agencies, and legal entities.


Previously, any user was required to buy an e-signature card and e-signature card reader to use e-signature, but now just a USB token is enough for all. Thus, it was necessary to buy an e-signature card at a price of AZN 18 and pay additional AZN 13 for a card-reader. However, today by paying AZN 18 for a USB token, the user will benefit from all functions of e-signature.

Note that the prices of USB tokens  without  the need for card readers  for the population  is AZN18, for individuals engaged in entrepreneurial activities is AZN 36, for  legal entities is  AZN 72, and for civil servants  is  AZN 58.

The new carrier USB tokens can be obtained at the registration centers of the National Certification Services Center and ordered online on the website Electronic signature, as well as on the portal Electronic government.

It is to be recalled that Electronic signature cards have been widely used in the field of public administration since 2012.

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