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Another bank connected to E-government portal

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Yapi Kredi Bank will provide services
to citizens through E-government portal.

Another bank was included in the list of banks partnering with the E-government portal.

Thus, starting today, Yapi Kredi Bank will carry out its lending transactions with the use of reference documents through E-government portal to provide citizens with more convenient services. Using the service, users will be able to send reference documents formed by the system automatically to the bank online without going to the bank and loss of time.           

A reference document is an electronic document prepared on the basis of electronic information resources of various government agencies. Reference documents prevent loss of time during the use of banking services, provides convenience for citizens. Another advantage of the service is that it eliminates the need for obtaining a proof of employment.

It should be recalled that more than 25 banks and credit organizations in the country are currently providing this service through E-government portal. 

Today 13 different types of reference documents are provided to citizens through the E-government portal.

  • 359

    Number of available services on the portal