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Number of e-signature users exceeds 97 thousand

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How many e-signature certificates were used during first 9 months of 2016?

As is generally known, the electronic signature card is a means of determining the identity of the user of virtual environment. It is a single code that performs all the functions of a signature in the electronic system, encodes the outgoing electronic data and identifies the sender.

E-signature, as an element of verification of electronic documents exchange, provides safe and flexible execution of the process in the virtual space. For this reason, its use today is quite important, and in general the number of e-signature users continues to grow.

According to statistics, as of October 1, 2016, the number of e-signature certificates issued to government agencies made up 64008, to individuals - 16590, to legal entities - 16526. A total of 97124 e-signature certificates have been issued by the National Certification Services Center so far.

It should be mentioned that the number of e-signatures issued during 9 months of 2016 amounted to 19892. Of these, 16470 were issued to government authorities, 772 - to physical persons, and 2650 - to legal entities.

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