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Workshops on e-government held in Barda and Tartar regions

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The Patriotic Educational Youth Public Union has started conducting workshops on e-government for the residents of the frontier areas. The workshops were organized with joint support of the Data Processing Center of the Ministry of Communications and High Technologies and the Council of State Support to Non-Governmental Organizations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.   

Thus, first workshops on e-government were held in Barda and Tartar regions. The workshops were attended by over 100 citizens from different age groups.

The participants were provided with information on the importance of maximum reduction of the official - citizen relationship and ensuring transparency at the workshops, which were held with the participation of representatives of Patriotic Educational Youth Public Union, Data Processing Center, local authorities and local community. It was noted that population of the regions do not have sufficient information on e-government, which restricts the use of electronic services.

During the workshops, the representative of the Data Processing Centre provided information on 415 electronic services available on the portal and spoke about advantages of these e-services.

Besides that, information on most frequently used e-services on the portal was also brought to the attention of participants. Some of these e-services have been submitted in online mode.

Upon completion of the workshops, the participants were awarded certificates and prizes.

Note that next workshops on e-government will be held in Aghdam and Goranboy regions on 4-5 November.

Those wishing to participate in the events can call (+994) 55 267 00 61.  

  • 359

    Number of available services on the portal