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E-service “Information on diploma” updated

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The e-service “Information on diploma”, which is provided by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan through the E-government portal, has been updated.  Thus, after updating the database graduates of higher educational institutions will be able to obtain reference documents on diplomas that have been issued from 2011 up to now. 

Note that earlier, the e-service “Information on diploma” contained information on diplomas issued in 2012 and 2013.    

To date, the e-service “Information on diploma” has been used 58,424 times since the date of its launch. 

The reference document includes data on document number, date of issue, citizen’s full name, date of birth, name of educational institution, department, specialty, academic degree, language of study, years of admission and graduation, serial number and type of diploma and other information. 

To use the service, one should register on the portal  There are two ways to obtain a reference document.

When choosing the “Search by serial number”, the user should enter the serial number of diploma, first letters of his name, surname and patronymic name and by clicking on the “Show” button he can obtain a reference document.       

And when the user chooses the “Search by PIN”, he does not need to enter any information into the system. After identifying the registered user, the system automatically displays the person’s PIN number on the screen. Clicking on the “Show” button, he can see the information on diploma.

Note that the barcodes at the bottom of the reference document indicate its system number. By using these barcodes, the organization which receives the reference document can verify its authenticity. To do this, one should choose the e-service “Check reference document” on the portal and enter the barcode of the document.    

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