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Turkic-speaking states reach agreement on recognition of electronic signature

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The second meeting of the Working Group on Information and Communication Technologies of the member countries of the Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States (Turkic Council) was held in Istanbul.

Within the framework of the event, subgroup meetings were held on topics related to e-government, e-signature, satellite services, cybersecurity, project Trans-Eurasian Information Super Highway (TASIM) and development of fiber optic infrastructure. Discussions were held on possible cooperation in these areas.

The meetings were attended by employees of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies.

Making a presentation on the electronic government, the infrastructure of the electronic signature of Azerbaijan, deputy head of the National Certification Services Center of the Data Processing Center Habib Abbasov provided  detailed information on the electronization of social services,  automation of electronic document management and  introduction of  electronic signature. According to him, Azerbaijan’s success in the field of electronization creates an opportunity for the interstate recognition of electronic signature.

The e-government subgroup on the basis of presentations and discussions decided to implement an exchange of experiences on mobile applications, provision of electronic services on the basis of  “single window” principle, public data, etc. to  organize trainings in this regard, to study  the electronic government system of each member state for the  development of joint projects.

In conclusion, an agreement was reached on creating preconditions for the recognition of the electronic signature between Turkic-speaking states. The task was also set to provide necessary data in order to recognize the electronic signature between Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. 

Furthermore, the possibility of developing joint electronic services between the member states of the Council was discussed.

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