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Workshop on Azerbaijan’s E-Government Model held at Soongsil University in Korea

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With the launch of the E-government portal (, our country made a transition to a new stage of electronization. At this stage, the activities of local and central executive bodies were integrated into a common space. It can also be classified as a period of common standards bringing management structures operating in various spheres closer to citizens.

Azerbaijani students studying abroad also speak with confidence about the positive results achieved in this direction over the past 5 years. Our compatriot Leyla Aliyeva, who studies at IT Engineering Department of Soongsil University in Korea, has conducted a workshop on Azerbaijan’s E-government Model and E-signature for university students. 

In her presentation, the technical infrastructure of the E-government portal and the portal were visually demonstrated to the students. She also provided the participants with information about the application of e-signature, which is an important component of electronization.     

Leyla Aliyeva also noted that 42 government agencies provide their services to the country’s population through the E-government portal and she considers the portal as a tool providing innovative approach in solving of various social issues. Leyla Aliyeva also said that she sometimes  used electronic certificate services on the portal as these services allow for saving time, paper and number of personnel.        

The workshop concluded with Q & A session and discussions.


  • 359

    Number of available services on the portal