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From now on e-signature can also be obtained from “Subsidized Housing” window of SHCA at ASAN service centers

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The State Housing Construction Agency under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan (SHCA) is expanding cooperation with the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies.

In accordance with the Regulations on the “Subsidized Housing” system approved by Decree № 1418 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated 24.05.2017,  it is possible  now to register through the “Subsidized Housing” system on the E-government portal with the use of  enhanced e-signature,  as well as after confirming the right to get an apartment on favourable terms, access to personal online account and choose a flat  through that system.

Given the numerous appeals, to ensure the convenience of citizens that are eligible for subsidized housing and to avoid additional time loss, electronic signature ( can also be ordered at “Subsidized Housing” service windows in ASAN service centers of  SHCA  LLC. Thus, within the framework of joint cooperation with Data Processing Center of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies, e-signature certificates can also  be obtained at ASAN service centers numbers 1, 3, and  5  in Baku as well as  Sumgait ASAN service center starting from 03.08.2017.

In general, the process for obtaining an e-signature is carried out in the following order:

1. Citizen comes to one of the above mentioned ASAN service centers and comes up to SHCA operator and presents his documents;

2. After carrying out internal procedures, the operator forms an application for electronic signature and submits it to the National Certification Services Center (NCSC) of DPC ;

3. In turn, NCSC accepts the request for payment, forms a notification and immediately returns it to the SHCA;

4. The operator prints the notification and submits it to the citizen for payment;

5. Citizen comes to the bank operating in the ASAN service center and makes payment by presenting a notification number;

6. Upon payment, an electronic signature certificate (in token carrier) is produced, packaged and delivered to the relevant service points at appointed times;

7. Next day, the citizen can get the electronic signature certificate coming up to the service window.

Note that “Subsidized housing” windows at ASAN service centers  will provide continuous service to citizens in order to answer questions about the “Subsidized housing” system, to provide assistance in the creation of a personal electronic account, as well as obtaining electronic signature certificates.

The use of the “Subsidized Housing” system with electronic signature or ASAN imza  ensures  protection of citizens’ personal data  and the accurate and safe implementation of operations on the E-government portal. Citizens having e-signature certificates, along with the  “Subsidized housing” system, can also benefit from  the services provided by other government agencies represented on the E-government portal.

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