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What did Azerbaijan discuss at the international conference?

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Presentation on “Development of Public Key Infrastructure in the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Status of New Generation ID Card Project” was held at the Forum.


The XV International Conference “PKI Forum Russia-2017” was held in Saint Petersburg on September 12-14 by the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation. The forum was attended by about 300 delegates from Russia, Poland, Kazakhstan, Belarus and other countries.

Azerbaijan at the event was represented by head of Certification Services Center of the Data Processing Center of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies and Fuad Mushtagov, the employee of the ministry.

Arif Mailov  informed the forum  participants about the work done at the Certification Services Center and results obtained.

After returning from the conference Arif Mailov shared his impressions with us.


- Mr Mailov, what topics were discussed at the conference?


- 35 reports were presented in 5 sections of the forum and 3 sessions were organized in the format of a traditional round table. The main topics of this year’s forum were legal and regulatory framework of activities of certification centers, legal aspects of electronic document management in the Russian Federation, introduction of innovations on public key infrastructure technologies (coordination of blockchain and public key infrastructure technologies) and exchange of international experience on mutual recognition of electronic signatures between countries.

Open discussions were held on the topic  of “Dialogue with the Regulator” between the National Certification Services Centers and the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation at a joint meeting. In the Russian Federation, the regulatory functions in the field of electronic signature are implemented by the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications.


-Were reports heard on implementation of the electronic signature?


- At the plenary session of the forum, head of the Scientific and Technical Complex of Information Society Technologies of OJSC “NIIAS” Andrey Galdin made a presentation on the prospects of introducing electronic signature technologies in railway transport. The speaker made proposals on the introduction of the electronic signature and electronic document management in the international railway transport Europe-Russia-China. In the first section, 6 reports were presented. We can say that most of the reports were dedicated to the development of legislation in the field of electronic signature and electronic document management. In the second section of the forum, discussions were held on promising technologies for the public key infrastructure. Other reports were dedicated to mutual recognition of the electronic signature (eIDAS, UNCITRAL) between states.


- Mr Mailov, what was the theme of your presentation?


- Reports on the development of cryptographic standards were presented in the fourth and fifth sections of the forum. In this section, I made a presentation on the topic “Development of public key infrastructure and the status of the new generation identity card project in the Republic of Azerbaijan”.


- What conclusion can you draw from the results of the conference?


-In connection with the rapid development of the field of cryptography, the participation of specialists from the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies in the annual international PKI forums in the Russian Federation and Europe (Poland) is of great importance. Mutual recognition of electronic signatures between states and rapid development of the use of this direction in cross-border electronic transactions in the world necessitates building a “bridge center” in the National Certification Services Center. It is considered expedient to support the training of our specialists abroad with the view of developing middleware of Azerbaijan (under the brand Made in Azerbaijan) for new generation ID card chips.

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