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Youth informed about activity of E-Government Portal

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The next training on the topic “Youth and E-Government” was organized by Data Processing Center of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies, E-Government Training and Education Center and the National Council of Youth Organizations. The training, which was held on September 29, was attended by authorized representatives of the National Council and young people.

During the training, detailed information was provided on the E-Government Portal, practical application of electronic signature and rules for improving the efficiency of business processes using electronic signature, electronic tax services, registration of compulsory state social insurance reports and labor notifications.

Then the workshop was continued for a group of employees from the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies.

It should be noted that given the need for awareness-raising activities on e-services, periodic trainings are held in this regard, citizens are provided with information on available electronic services and their use.

  • 359

    Number of available services on the portal