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Online e-signature certificate ordering system simplified

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Taking into account appeals made from various regions of Azerbaijan, the National Certification Services Center has simplified the online e-signature ordering system.

 Citizens, individuals and legal entities can order an electronic signature online on the portal Electronic Government  or on the website without visiting  the registration centers.

To do this, first of all, the user needs to enter the portal Electronic government ( and select the section “All services” in the menu “E-services”.

Then, select the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies from among the organizations  and the service “Ordering  electronic signature certificate for citizens”.

After familiarization with the terms of agreement for e-appeal, the user should mark the box “I accept the user rules” at the bottom of the page and click on the “CONTINUE” button.

Then, after selecting the “PIN data” box, the system will automatically generate relevant PIN data. After filling in other required fields, the user must select the e-signature certificate carrier (USB token or Smart Card) and click on the “CONFIRM” button to submit the application.

It should be noted that citizens can get the ordered e-signature certificates at the registration centers located in post offices of Azerpost LLC. The registration centers  are operating  in Baku and all regions of the country.

It is necessary to present ID card to get an e-signature certificate.

Note that the National Certification Services Center provides an electronic signature certificate on two carriers:

Smart cards – e-signature certificates are issued on cards.

USB media – e-signature certificates are issued through tokens in the form of USB (similar to a flash card).

After determining the certificate carrier (Smart card or USB token), the citizen ordering an electronic signature chooses one of them and after making the payment, submits his application.

It should be noted that the citizen who has chosen Smart Card can also order a reader device on the same page. As to a USB token, a card reader is not needed, since it is connected directly to the computer.

Note also that the use of e-signature certificates issued by National Certification Services Center is completely free of charge. After making one-time payment for obtaining e-signature  certificate, the person can use it free of charge for up to 3 years. Moreover, the e-signature is a full-fledged signing tool, which meets international security standard FIPS 140-2. 


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