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Prize fund for contest “Electronic Government for Youth” announced

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A prize fund for the contest “Electronic Government for Youth”, which is aimed at stimulating the use of electronic government solutions among young people and educating young people on electronic government, has been announced.  

The contest will allow a wider audience of young people to become familiar with the Electronic Government Portal ( and give them the opportunity to use electronic government solutions.   

The winners in the nominations “The best legal entity in promoting the Electronic Government” and “The best organization in promoting the use of electronic government solutions among young people in regions” will have the opportunity to use free internet service for a period of 6 months.   

The winners in the nominations “The best physical person in promoting the Electronic Government” and “The best proposal for digitizing government services and developing the Electronic Government ” will receive a cash award in the amount of AZN500.    
The winners will also be given gifts, certificates and symbolic prizes. The deadline for applications is December 20. To participate in the contest, you need register here.

The contest is supported by the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies, Ministry of Youth and Sports, Youth Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and a number of leading youth organizations. The contest is organized by the E-Government Training and Education Center and Data Processing Center. 

The winners of the contest will be announced at the conference “Electronic Government for Youth” on December 26.
Further information on the contest can be obtained by using this link.

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