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Open Government Data Portal takes first place

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The Open Government Data Portal (, developed  by  Data Processing Center of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies, was awarded first place in the “MilliNet” (National Internet Award) competition, in the nomination “Electronic Government”.

At yesterday’s presentation ceremony, it was noted that in 2016 there were 25 pieces of data on the portal, but  this year their number is over 650 services. Thanks to the portal, citizens can easily access the data that can be useful to them. At the same time, programmers can develop applications that can be useful for the public by using the open government data provided  by state agencies on the portal. A clear example of this are 19 socially important, functional mobile applications developed within the mobile apps development contest “View, Use, Develop!”, which was announced recently by Data Processing Center. Note that 3 most successful applications submitted to the contest were awarded. To develop these applications, the contestants used mostly the open government data of the State Statistical Committee,  Ministry of  Transport, Communications and High Technologies,  Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

Moreover, the website of the project “Poçtap”, which was submitted  to the contest by Data Processing Center, was  awarded the 3rd place in the nomination “Electronic Government”.       
It will be recalled that the “Poçtap” service is designed to search lost documents. Within this service, documents found  are accepted by post offices and their owners are searched. If the owners are found, the lost documents are returned to them. If not, they are sent to relevant authorities.

Note that the National Internet Award Millinet is a professional internet award instituted by Internet Forum of Azerbaijan (IFA). The award is presented every year  to the national internet resources and internet projects developed in Azerbaijani language and functioning in social, cultural, scientific, economic, legal and other areas by way of competition  through official support of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies .   
This year winners were awarded in 18 nominations.

  • 359

    Number of available services on the portal