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New services of Ministry of Justice integrated into E-government portal

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Two more new services of the Ministry of Justice have been integrated into the E-government portal, which is operated by the Data Processing Center of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies.  

The new  electronic services are: “On  publication of preliminary information on the procedure  and deadline  for liquidation of non-commercial legal entity and educational institution and providing  creditors’ claims” and “Informing individuals and legal entities about new rights and responsibilities arising from jural acts occurring as a result of civil circulation”.

Thus, the number of e-services of the Ministry of Justice on the E-government portal has reached 24.

To use either of the above mentioned e-services, one should register on the E-government portal.

Serial number of the applicant’s ID card, certificate of state registration and taxpayer identification number of non-commercial legal entity or educational institution are required to use the service “On publication of preliminary information on the procedure and deadline of liquidation of non-commercial legal entity and educational institution and providing creditors’ claims”.

To use the service, the user should access the E-government portal and choose the e-service “On publication of preliminary information on the procedure and deadline for liquidation of non-commercial legal entity and educational institution and providing creditors’ claims” from the list of e-services provided by the Ministry of Justice. Then, he should choose the legal form of the organization and click “Next” button.  After that, the user should enter personal information for the electronic application form and click “Forward” button.  The electronic application form will appear on the screen. After familiarizing himself with the content of the application, the user should click “Confirm” button to send the application to the relevant agency.

The electronic service is carried out within 3 days starting from the date of publication of the “Justice” newspaper. As a result, the user will get a copy of the “Justice” newspaper confirming the fact of publication of the preliminary information on the procedure and deadline for liquidation of non-commercial legal entity and educational institution and providing creditors’ claims.

Physical persons  using the e-service  “Informing individuals and legal entities about  new rights and responsibilities arising from jural acts occurring as a result of civil circulation” receive information via SMS about the invalidity of ID card, national, service or diplomatic passport, driving license, permanent or temporary residence permit, state registration of acts of civil status, notarized powers of attorney, as well as temporary restriction of the right to leave the country  and cancellation of this restriction according to court decisions and orders. Legal entities receive information on cancellation via SMS. User who becomes a service subscriber  by entering his ID number (taxpayer identification number) and mobile number will have to pay service fee depending on the number and volume of SMS messages.


  • 359

    Number of available services on the portal