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State Register of Public Information Resources and Personal Data Information Systems


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A special section  was established in the portal with purpose of providing the execution  of   “Regulations on  state register of information resources” and  “ Rules for state registration of personal data information systems and cancellation of state registration” approved  by Decision № 89 dated   17 May  2010 and  № 149 dated  17 August  2010   of the Cabinet of Ministers of  the Republic of Azerbaijan. The section is designed for inclusion of new data on the state information resources and personal data information systems in registers, sending e-appeals for making changes or cancellation in the data available in the register, conducting clerical work, execution of appeals and informing the owners in appropriate manner. Registers to be created are also important to ensure the full implementation of the tasks arising from the decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On some measures in the sphere of provision of e-services by state authorities” dated May 23, 2011.Note that in accordance with paragraph 13 of the regulations, required information (application and registration card) containing information resources on newly created and undergoing structural change or information resources whose activities are suspended, to include in the State Register or make certain changes should be submitted to the operator of the register by applicant no later than 20 days. Also, in accordance with  paragraph 5 of the Rules, “ On Personal Data”, information systems, available until the entry into force of the law of the Republic of Azerbaijan and whose  state registration is mandatory in accordance with the requirements of the law, should be registered. To register in the registers of information resources and personal data information systems, government agencies can access to the system using e-signature or code-password and fill in applications and registration cards. To do this, a government agency should introduce the identity card number, data on surname and name of its authorized representative who has  e-signature card submit to the Data Processing Center (DPC), the e-signature card should be registered or apply to DPC to get login and password. At the same time the agency can fill out an application and registration card, officially confirm it and send to the DPC.

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