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Over 650 data of government agencies made publicly available

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Over 650 data of government agencies made publicly available 

The new version of the Open Government Data Portal ( developed  by Data Processing Center of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies was presented  on November 21.

The event was attended by representatives of government agencies, whose services have been integrated into the portal Electronic Government, startuppers and media representatives.

Among the speakers were Deputy Minister of Transport, Communications and High Technologies Elmir Velizade, Deputy Minister of Culture and Tourism Nazim Samedov, Deputy Chairman of the State Statistics Committee Rauf Salimov and Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Protection of Population Idris Isayev.

Elmir Velizade said that open data is a new development stage in e-government building. He noted that through the portal citizens and business entities will be able to quickly find open databases created by state bodies and use them to provide individual services.

Each state body  within its authority must open the necessary data in accordance with certain technical conditions.

Then the new version of Open Government Data Portal was presented. E-Government Portal coordinator Jamshid Nakhchivanski said that the number of open data in the new version of the portal has increased. According to him, over  650 data are currently  available on the portal: “Previously, there were 25 data on the portal. In accordance with current legislation, from now on the open data  available on the portal will be updated and improved on a regular basis.”

It should be noted that the portal contains data of Azersu OJSC, State Customs Committee, State Statistics  Committee,  Ministry of Justice,  Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population, State Committee on Property Issues,  Ministry of Agriculture,  Ministry of Culture and Tourism and Ministry of Transport, Communications and High technologies.

At the event, detail information was also provided on the contest  “View, Use, Develop!” announced  by Data Processing  Center of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies.

It was noted that within the framework of the contest,  envisaged  for  ICT specialists, start-uppers, students and others, it is planned to develop  mobile applications  of social significance using open  government data of the  portal

The goal of the contest, in addition to the development of new mobile applications based on data posted on the portal, is providing  support  to socially-oriented and innovative ideas and promotion of startup projects.

The contest will last until November 25.

 More information on the conditions of the contest is available here.


  • 359

    Number of available services on the portal