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Azerbaijan’s e-Government Model presented in Russia

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Russia’s international exhibition of information and telecommunication technologies “Sviaz-2016” traditionally has brought together the world’s leading companies and specialists.

“Sviaz” exhibition, which is considered as the largest and most prestigious event in Europe, has played the role of a platform for demonstration of the achievements in the telecommunications industry, information technologies, management systems and communication services during its 40 years of development.

The exhibition is a good venue for establishing new business relations, introduction of new equipment, technologies or services, along with the opportunities for the application of innovative technologies in various areas of modern life, final reports have been submitted on the results of the work done on the development of software which is important in terms of national and information security.

An Azerbaijani delegation headed by Deputy Minister of Communications and High Technologies  Elmir Velizade , including specialists of Data Processing Center (DPC) which is the operator of e-Government Portal attended the exhibition in Moscow Expocentre on May 10-13.

The Ministry of Communications and High Technologies was represented at the exhibition with a separate pavilion.

The country’s achievements in the sector, as well as e-Government Model were demonstrated at the stand, which attracted the attention of participants.

During the 4 day exhibition, which was attended by 50 000 visitors and specialists, the services offered in our country in the field of high technologies attracted the attention of participants and companies from countries such as Russia, China, at the same time issues of cooperation were discussed with these countries. 

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