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Number of visits to e-Government portal last month made public

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Today successive measures are being implemented in Azerbaijan to improve the quality of electronic services and expanding their scope of application. As a result, the majority of citizens prefer to use online services covering a number of areas of social and economic life.

The combination of all of these services in a single center – e-Government portal – makes it even more convenient. To ensure user convenience and satisfaction,   the number and range of services provided on the portal is updated constantly.

Currently, citizens have the opportunity to use e-services on 42 areas. It is possible to determine the statistics on the number of visits to e-services and most frequently used services with the help of the counter operating on the portal in real time mode.

According to the data, in May, citizens visited 311 e-services on 42 areas that are available on the portal.

Thus, the total number of people who visited the portal last month amounted to 1,851,309.

  • 359

    Number of available services on the portal