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Good news for small and large business owners

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Another service has been integrated into the Electronic government ( portal. From now on, citizens can obtain reference documents on having no debt for “water supply and wastewater disposal” through the portal online.

This can be done as follows. First you must enter the portal by entering your user name / passcode or e-signature card. Then, to select a reference document on having no debt for “water supply and wastewater disposal” from the services provided by Azersu OJSC on the portal in the section “All services”.

By entering subscriber code, the user must fill in the appropriate electronic form and enter the following data:

  • ID card PIN-code;
  • Phone number;
  • Mailing address.

If the facility is owned by a citizen, he must add a copy of the document confirming this fact. If the facility is taken on lease by the user, he must add a copy of the lease agreement.

The application is considered within a few days by Azersu OJSC and the result is sent to the citizen via e-mail.

During this period, the citizen can also track the status of the application. Thus, the step by step status of the relevant application is displayed in the section “Application sent” as “Considered”, “Confirmed”. After confirmation the “Print” button is activated in the same section.

Reference documents are considered legal documents and used as a means to confirm relevant information on the entity in many areas of activity. Currently, 13 reference documents are being provided on the E- government portal to simplify the process of data verification for all citizens, especially for businessmen.

  • 359

    Number of available services on the portal