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Dynamics of using reference documents available on E-government portal

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Reference documents provided on E-government portal have been used 782082 times.

It should be noted that 13 reference documents of various types are provided to the users on the portal.

The most commonly used reference document is “Proof of employment” which is presented by the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection. The service has been used 365954 times so far. Thus, there is no need for the citizen to spend time and apply to relevant persons of the enterprise for the said document. The document includes information on the employer, as well as his contact number, date of employment contract, employee’s personal data etc.

Another most required type of reference documents is “Reference document on citizen’s personal data”. The service, which allows the citizen to obtain credit and to present document on personal data of different content, has been used 204197 times. “Proof of employment” has been used 47029 times.

The service “Reference on diploma” which is visited repeatedly by young people was used 37851 times. “Reference on ID card data” was used 37052 times.

Note that every citizen who passes authentication on the portal after selecting relevant e-service will be able to send the reference document formed automatically by the portal to the required organization in electronic form or printing it.

On the other hand, the organization receiving the document can verify the authenticity and accuracy of the document on the E-government portal using bar-codes on it.




  • 359

    Number of available services on the portal