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Most commonly used areas on E-government portal in August

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The number of users of E-government portal and use of electronic services has increased. As the range of services provided through the portal expands, citizens’ interest in electronic services also increases. Note that up to date some 3.2 million people have used electronic services via the E-government portal. On average per day 50,000 people access the portal.

According to statistic data, the electronic services of the State Students Admission Commission (SSAC) were used most on the E-government portal in August. Thus, 15 electronic services provided by SSAC through the E-government portal were used 522,563 times in the reporting period.   During the same period, 34 electronic services of the Ministry of Communications and High Technologies were used 520,825 times by 7,079 people.

The Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population (MLSPP) provides 26 electronic services through the portal. The services of MLSPP were used 468,113 times by 55,974 people in August. The electronic services of the State Customs Committee were used 53,755 times during the stated period. One of the social services attracting more attention of citizens is reference documents. The number of use of reference documents also increased during last month. Currently, 13 reference documents of different types are being provided to citizens through the portal. The reference documents were used 41,707 times by 28,175 people during the reporting period.

Note that taking into account users’ attention, work is underway to expand the range of reference documents.     




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    Number of available services on the portal