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Now it is easier to get e-invoice using e-signature

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As is known, in accordance with the amendments and additions to the Tax Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, from April 1, 2017, invoices for goods, work done and services produced by the persons carrying out business activities specified in Article 218.1.2 of the Tax Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan are presented in electronic form.  

To that end, the taxpayer should access to the website of the Ministry of Taxes ( in the online mode, select the “Online clerical work and e-VHF” section and enter the “E-invoice” subsection.  Then, after entering necessary information an electronic invoice is drawn up and sent to the addressee.

At the same time, the taxpayer can draw up and send an electronic invoice offline using special software: 

For that end, it is required to download the e-invoice drawing program - eFP 1.1.3 version and other necessary programs from onto the computer. Thus, through this program, the taxpayer can draw up and package an e-invoice without using the Internet. After that, signs the package file with   “E-signer” or “Asan DOC” client program.   These programs are available for download on the websites and

In conclusion, using one of the tools of the enhanced electronic signature (E-signature or Asan İmza), the taxpayer  should access to the website of the Ministry of Taxes, select the “Online clerical work and e-VHF” section, enter the “E-invoice” subsection and click on the “Send Package” to upload the signed “edoc” or “adoc” type file onto the system. 

During the uploading, the system assigns unique serial numbers to the electronic invoice and sends them to the e-mail address of the addressee.  

The addressee can confirm the acceptance of the e-invoice sent using E-signature or Asan İmza within a few seconds.  




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