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39th issue of E-government bulletin published

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The operator of the E-government portal - Data Processing Center (DPC) of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies has published the 39th issue of the E-government bulletin, which covers the first quarter of this year.

New mobile application EGov AR will allow you to view some materials on the E-government with images and sound. 

The quarterly bulletin contains information on the E-government portal, new electronic services integrated into the E-government portal, e-document management, e-signature infrastructure and experience of foreign countries in the fields of e-government and information and communication technologies (ICT).

The material under the heading “Legal framework for creation of E-government is strengthening” contains decrees on the legal basis of the e-government infrastructure for the first quarter of 2017.

The bulletin contains articles under the headings: “Austrian specialist highly appreciated the work done in the field of E-government”, “Cooperation with the leading Turkish ICT companies started”, “Azerbaijan ranks first in the ICT sphere among 32 landlocked countries”, “Work began to increase the volume of data on the open data portal”, “Citizens will be able to carry out compulsory  vehicle insurance in online mode”, “The electronic service “Pochtap” has been integrated into the E-government portal”, “Cooperation with the European Union on the development of e-services and e-commerce is underway” ,  other materials and  statistical data.   

Moreover, EGOV AR technology was used in this issue of the E-government bulletin. Thus, using the EGOV AR mobile application, readers will also be able to view some materials with images and sound. 

The EGOV AR mobile application for devices running operating systems Android and iOS was developed with the view of informing users about the E-government portal, electronic signature and other projects. Through this mobile application photos on the screen turn into a “live” video.

Note that the bulletin is distributed for free and also posted on the portal in electronic form.

The 39th issue of the bulletin is available online here.


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    Number of available services on the portal