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Over 3 thousand e-signature certificates issued in April

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Along with the growing number of electronic signature certificates in Azerbaijan, their scope of application is also expanding from day to day. Thus, the number of electronic signature certificates issued by the National Certification Services Center of the Data Processing Center topped 3 thousand over the last month. Only in April 2017, their number was 3,486. Of these, 766 were issued to government agencies, 2,612 - to legal entities and 108 - to individuals.

According to the statistics, from the date of launch of electronic signature certificates until 1 May 2017, the number of e-signature certificates issued to government agencies was 68,218,   to individuals –17,480  and  to legal entities – 20,170. In total, 105,868  e-signature certificates were issued.

A total of 5,652 electronic signature certificates were issued during the first four months of 2017.  Of these, 2,236 were issued to government agencies, 270 – to individuals  and  3,146 – to legal entities.

Moreover, the number of operations conducted with the use of electronic signature continues to grow. Thus, to date the total number of authentication and electronic signature operations carried out in the country by government agencies made up 17,368,331, by legal entities and individuals - 4,129,326.Their total number reached 21,497,657. A total of 3,644,864 operations   were conducted during the first four months of 2017, which makes roughly 17% of the total number of operations. Of these, 2,571,937 authentication and e-signature operations were conducted by government agencies, legal entities and individuals accounted for 1,072,927.

Note that the electronic signature is one of the means of identification that is used for determining the identity of the user in virtual environment. Being a code unit, it performs all the functions of the electronic signature in the electronic system, encodes electronic data sent and identifies the sender. As an identification element for documents circulation in the virtual space, the electronic signature provides secure and rapid implementation of electronic document interchange.  In a word, the electronic signature has entered into our daily life and has become a guarantor of convenience and security.


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