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“Subsidized Housing” system launched through E-government portal

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In accordance with the Decree of President Ilham Aliyev dated 16 November  2016 “On Some issues related to  the activities of the  State Housing Construction Agency under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan”, the system “Subsidized Housing” has been integrated into the E-government ( portal.

By registering on the E-government portal with the electronic signature or ASAN signature, users can now use the e-service  “Subsidized Housing”.

Thus, starting today, citizens that are eligible for subsidized housing will be able to submit their appeals to the State Housing Construction Agency (SHCA) by accessing the E-government portal.

To do this, the user should access the “All services” section of the portal and choose the e-service “Subsidized Housing” from among the group of services of the State Agency for Housing Construction under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

You can also find the service by typing “Subsidized Housing” into the search box on the portal. It is strongly recommended to read the USER MANUAL before accessing the service.

To answer the following questions, click on the headings.

Who can apply for subsidized housing?

What documents are required? 

 How can one access the service through the E-government portal?

In addition, detailed instructions on the use of the system, as well as information on the categories of persons eligible for subsidized housing and the list of documents required for each category can be obtained by clicking on the SUBSIDIZED HOUSING SYSTEM on the main pages of the websites  or

Citizens who wish to purchase apartments at reduced prices, but do not have an e-signature, can obtain it by applying online through the website , as well as in Shebeke service centers, at the e-signature registration point (Dilara Aliyeva 185) and SHCA   service points in ASAN service centers.

It should be noted that  the use of e-signature certificates issued by National Certification Services Center is completely free of charge. After making one-time payment for obtaining e-signature certificate, the person can use it free of charge for up to 3 years. Moreover, the e-signature is a full-fledged signing tool, which meets international security standard FIPS 140-2.  And above all, it is impossible to interfere with the operations implemented with the use of e-signature. 

The system “Subsidized Housing” will facilitate providing the country’s citizens with housing in a modern architectural style and improving their living conditions.

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    Number of available services on the portal