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Reference documents do away with need for paper ones

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Clients of credit organization Fintrend will also be able to apply to the services of E-government portal.

One more bank has also been added to the list of credit organizations partnering with the E-government portal. Thus,  the non-banking financial  institution Fintrend  will  provide more convenient  services  to its clients  through the portal  E-government  by including reference documents  in loan transactions.

Through this e-service, citizens can send a reference document online to the bank by accessing the portal, without losing time or visiting anywhere. Note that reference documents are automatically generated by the system.

A reference document is an electronic document prepared on the basis of electronic information resources of various government agencies. Reference documents provide convenience to citizens by preventing loss of time.

It should be noted that this service, provided to citizens by E-government portal, has been implemented by more than 25 banking and credit organizations.

Currently, 18 types of various reference documents are provided to citizens by the E-government portal.


  • 359

    Number of available services on the portal