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Over 26 thousand e-signature certificates issued in 2017

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Electronic signature, which has been used in Azerbaijan for over 5 years for documents circulation, reduces distances by saving time and manpower. Being an element of confirming an electronic document, electronic signature identifies the identity of the process participants in virtual space, provides safe and flexible implementation of electronic document exchange.

The advantages of the electronic signature include time saving, privacy, usability, integrity, non-repudiation, transition of business relationships and contacts to the electronic format fully. Documents signed using an electronic signature can be delivered to its right place within a few seconds. That is why the use of electronic signatures is growing on a day-to-day basis.

Thus, during last year 9724 electronic signature certificates were issued to state bodies, 7412 - to  individuals,  9552 -  to legal entities. A total of 26688 electronic signatures have been issued so far, which is 3648 certificates more as compared to 2016.

According to statistics from the date of commissioning of  e-signature certificates  to 1 January 2018, the number of electronic signatures issued  to  state bodies by National Certification Services Center  of the Data Processing Center amounted  to 75674, to individuals - 24536,  to legal entities - 26516. A total of 126726 electronic certificates have been issued during this period  by the National Certification Services Center. 

In 2017 state bodies carried out 8147916  electronic signature authentication operations, as well as legal and physical persons – 3318233. A total number of operations made up 11466149 , which is 38.4% of 29871550  authentication and electronic signature operations conducted since 2011.

E-signature is also one of the means of authentication of the portal Electronic Government. A total of 5791005 authentications with the use of electronic signature cards were registered on the portal in 2017.

Note that new e-signature  certificates can be obtained at the Shebeke service center, registration centers of the National Certification Services Center,  on the website  of Electronic Signature ( or  they can also be ordered online on the portal Electronic Government

It will be recalled that e-signature cards have been widely used in the field of public administration since 2012.


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