- portalı “ASAN Login”ə inteqrasiya edilib86606
“ASAN Login” də istifadəçi sayı 2,5 milyonu ötüb4671
EHİM Qlobal Hökumət Forumunun vebinarında təmsil olunub2201
“ASAN xidmət”in elektron hökumət mərkəzi beynəlxaq sorğu hesabatında lider seçilib3414
Representatives of EGDC visited Estonia1181
Public services provided through "ASAN Login" have become more accessible with SIMA3247
EGDC held discussions with local executive powers on the portal4859
The first phase of awareness-raising activities conducted by digital volunteers has been completed2966
Modern challenges related to scientific publications and the creation of an ecosystem were discussed4980
The delegation of the State Agency visited Kazakhstan2597
- 359
Number of available services on the portal